Barbie Without Makeup (Artist’s Reveal)

An artist has created an image of what Barbie would look like without her signature glamorous make-up. and boy, does she look different!

In one of the two side-by-side images posted to Reddit, the iconic doll Barbie is seen wearing her usual bright blue eye shadow, pink lipstick, penciled-in eyebrows and heavy mascara.

The second photo of Barbie, however, sees her completely undone, revealing the puffy cheeks and tired eyes that lie beneath her daily make-up routine. My personal opinion is her puffy eyes are too puffy but I digress.

Reactions to the doll’s make-under have been varied, with many noting how tired she looks without having undergone her usual beauty routine. And that without makeup, she looks a bit more ethnic; more Russian or Latina.

Others were skeptical that her face had been retouched otherwise, and her eyes had been shrunken to emphasize the impact of her mascara.

But one user responded: ‘Actually, mascara, eyeliner, and eyeshadow help make the eyes look bigger. I bet if you went into photoshop and compared the eyes, they’d be the exact same size.’

Some Reddit users wrote that they preferred her new look, with one commenter saying: ‘I don’t know about you, but I think she looks better without that God-awful make-up.’

Another shared the same opinion, writing: ‘I’m inclined to agree. Having a waist wider than a nanotube would probably help, too.

Working with website, Mr Lamm took pictures of the original dolls then removed their lipstick, eyeshadow and blush in a computer image manipulation program.

‘[The original picture] got me thinking: is this what Barbie would really look like without make-up?’ he explained. ‘Ken is a pretty good looking doll. So, surely Barbie without make-up can’t be too different.’

After removing her cosmetics, he discovered: ‘Sure enough, Barbie still looks pretty, even au naturel.’

‘The real Barbie without make-up brings up a new point: if Barbie can look good without makeup, why doesn’t Mattel make dolls with a more natural look?’



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