Plus mascaras are something you have to throw away so much more frequently than other make up. It isn’t worth it for me to spend that much money on mascara (and we all know they can get pretty pricey!)
The only reason I buy a certain more expensive mascara (Tarte’s Lights, Camera, Lashes for example) is because everything else I’ve ever used (high-end or drugstore) has irritated my eyes. For me, it’s worth it. It’s the difference between my eyes watering/getting a wicked migraine and just having pretty lashes. However, mascaras typically have a 6 months expiration period (yes! 6 months! have you thrown out your old mascara yet?)
I know some people swear it’s worth it, and some people swear it isn’t. People can’t even come up with a definition of “better mascara” because everyone have different needs. My advice has always been try it for yourself.